Acquire it to own it

Acquire it to own it

born on the 26th January 1987 in Sarajewo.


In the last two years, Amer Hadžić's works have found their way into renowned contemporary art collections not only throughout Europe but in the USA as well.
The market price of his works has more than quadrupled in the same period.

Convinces with his socially critical approach to classic pop art and the comic universe.
Take a look at our expanding art collection
born on the 21 of August 1991 in Travnik, Bosnia

Convinces with its mystical-mythical motifs, which sometimes seem to originate from demonology.

At present, Denis' works are still primarily communicated in an exclusive circle of collectors, but his market prices are already rising noticeably, not least due to two major exhibition projects in 2024 and 2025 and increased media presence in germanspeaking region.

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